Saturday, July 23, 2011

Visualization of Cellular Healing

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Visualization of Cellular Healing
When you go to a doctor, s/he prescribes a medication for you to take, or a treatment you will undergo, your body starts the healing process before the medicine is in your system or the exercise or surgical procedure has taken place. For most people, just seeing a doctor gives confidence that healing will occur. Depending on the patient’s cultural background, this is true whether the physician is a neurosurgeon at the Mayo Clinic or a tribal witch doctor. This is attributable to an extraordinary healing ability of the body by a process known as the placebo effect. What happens is that healing starts when you believe it will occur. Your mind buys into it and your body makes it happen. The great physician and humanitarian, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, gives us this insight - "The witch doctor succeeds for the same reason all the rest of us (medical doctors) succeed. Each patient carries his own doctor inside himself. They come to us not knowing that truth. We are at our best when we give the doctor who resides within each patient a chance to go to work."
Our body is a fantastic chemical factory that is capable of seemingly unbelievable things. For instance, there is the case of a 95-pound woman lifting up a two-ton car to save the life of her child who was trapped under its weight. This was due to a gigantic adrenaline release. As impressive a display of adaptability to a need this is, our body is capable of doing even more seemingly miraculous feats. Perhaps the most impressive of all is its’ ability to heal itself - of anything!
There are several methods dealing with visualizing healing meditatively at the cellular level. To begin any of them, use the position, breathing pattern, physical relaxing technique, and emptying of mental and emotional reactivity that you have found best prepares you to fill with the object of your meditation. Try each of these ways separately, and try combining them until your healing has occurred. This may take mere seconds, or decades, as has whatever happened to you that now needs a change back to wellness.
1. In your minds eye, see aberrant or inflamed cells changing into healthy cells. If there is a damaged or corrupted area within the cells, visualize them changing and becoming free from injury. See your whole body becoming pure. Visualize yourself as perfectly healthy.
2. There are cells within your body that act as protectors and actually attack and kill damaging invader cells. See these warrior cells destroy those cells that could cause you injury. See your whole body becoming pure. Visualize yourself as perfectly healthy.
3. There are cells within your body that eat threatening cells. See them devour the harm causing structures. See your whole body becoming pure. Visualize yourself as perfectly healthy.
4. Visualize groups of healthy cells combining to replace any damaged areas of your body. For instance, if you have suffered a broken bone, see the cells come together in healing, bonding together to reform a complete structure. Visualize the bone as perfectly healthy.
5. Visualize healing energy filling you. The energy can be felt to originate from a higher power that gifts you with healing. See this holy energy filling and changing your cellular structure to a perfect condition. Watch as the specific organ, body system, or part heals. See your whole body becoming pure. Visualize yourself as perfectly healthy.
6. Visualize yourself standing, sitting, or prostrating in front of your personal deity. See your deity heal you by touch. See your deity heal you by sending divine energy to you. See your deity end your suffering. See your whole body becoming pure. Visualize yourself as perfectly healthy.
7. Get an anatomy book and study the body structure you want healing to take place in. Look at how the part appears when in a state of perfection. When doing a healing visualization meditation, see your body part as being in this state of perfection.
8. If you are suffering from pain, see in your minds eye, as clearly as possible, the nerve endings that are in the specific area of your discomfort, or all of the nerve endings in your entire body. With every inhalation, feel and visualize healing air flowing from a higher power and enter you and fill your lungs. See your red blood cells absorb the air through the walls of your lungs and flow through your arteries spreading healing oxygen to every cell in your body. Witness the inflamed nerve endings become soothed and witness your body start to glow with wellbeing and serenity.
Perhaps the most important suggestion of all is to sincerely want the healing to take place and believe that it will occur. The Meditation Society of America doesn’t favor one religion over another, or even suggest that one has to believe in God at all for the benefits of meditation to help you, but we do sometimes quote from religious sources. In this case, we cite the Bible - Mark 11:24 "...what things ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."
This 2000-year-old statement is in perfect accord with the most cutting edge scientific and medical understanding of the 21st century. To quote Dr. Herbert Benson of the Harvard Medical School, "We know that belief can lead to healing or at least improvement in 50 percent to 90 percent of diseases, including asthma, angina pectoris, and skin rashes, many forms of pain, rheumatoid arthritis, congestive heart failure. They're all influenced by belief. We in medicine have made fun of belief by calling it the "placebo effect," or insisting that "It's all in your head." Yet, belief is one of the most powerful healing tools we have in our therapeutic arsenal."

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